Notedaisy helps learners learn more efficiently by focusing on visual
note-taking tools with the help of artificial intelligence.
Notedaisy started off with the frustration of having a lack of learning-centred note-taking software in the market. Most apps focus more on productivity.
Imagine as you take notes, you are able to easily organize information and learn more about the information with AI.
Notedaisy aims to be a revolutionary learning tool that will transform your learning process to be more efficient.
This is where the idea of Notedaisy comes in.
Imagine getting the freedom to visually tailor your notes to your preferences—easily, creatively, and effectively without the need of being creative or spending lots of time sketching.
Imagine AI-tools that enhance your learning experiences by automatically searching for relevant diagrams and images that help explain complicated concepts.
Imagine your notes being so structured, that it becomes its own database which you can use AI to create study decks, worksheets, and questionnaires on-top of helping you process information.
Learn more about our planned features:
Notedaisy takes inspiration from Notion’s word editor. We take what’s best from Notion and tailor it to learner’s needs. This, while retaining the familiar page-format from Google Docs or MS Word to allow you to export, print, sketch, and take your notes anywhere!
Organizing complex information into manageable chunks is an effective way of fostering better understanding. Notedaisy gives you an easy way to visualize information by making it quick, accessible, and effective.
Whether you prefer writing in a single column, the flexibility of two columns, or having three separate sections; there are a variety of ways you can setup your notes. You are not limited to the layout conventional note-taking tools often employ.
With AI, we’ve revolutionize how you take annotations, search images, and make your note-taking process smoother. Learn more efficiently with our unique tools and AI.
...and many more!
Get exclusive perks at launch. Explore an easier way of learning with Notedaisy.